New Lean Book co-authored by Robert Oh entitled "Strategic Lean Service"


We offer a comprehensive Lean Lead Certificate Program involving a broad mix of both theory and practical learning targetted at building up organic capability within client organizations


"The workshop helped to clarify the lean concept and how the lean tools could be used in the work environment. The instructor was clear and precise in his delivery. I would not hesitate to recommend this workshop to those who are new to the lean concept." Quality Manager -- Transportation Sector

"I found most of the principles of lean management applicable to the service and healthcare industries. The case studies in this workshop were helpful in providing examples of its implementation, and the exercises which relate to work environment makes the learning immediately practical" Senior Manager -- Health Care Sector

For more feedback click here.

Lean Workshops

Lean service is the application of lean tools and techniques to the services industry or office environments which may include food catering, financial services, insurance related services, procurement and so on.

Eagles Wings is happy to announce a full range of lean courses:

- Lean Essentials (1 day)

- Lean Champion (2 days)

- Lean Deployment (1 day)

- Hoshin Kanri (2 days)

- Lean (Tools and Techniques) (2 days)

- Lean Lead Certificate (4-5 days plus project work

- Visual Management and huddles (1 days)

- 5S (1 day)

- Value Stream Mapping (1-2 days)

- Gap Analysis (1 day)

- Lean Assessment (1 day)

- Lean IT (2 days)

- Agile and Lean IT (3 days)

- Lean Accounting (1 day)

- Kaizen (0.5 - 1 day plus project work)

More on Education & Training please click here

For Participant feedback on the Workshops please click here.