New Lean Book co-authored by Robert Oh entitled "Strategic Lean Service"


We offer comprehensive Lean Lead Certificate training involving a broad mix of both theory and practical learning targetted at building up organic capability within client organizations


"Lean management is a discipline that is very relevant and useful in today's economy. It addresses the paradox of cost and quality, proving that both can co-exist and complement each other to create value for the organization" Manager -- Public Sector.

"The workshop provided very good examples of lean. I took away a good understanding of what lean is about and how it is used. It brought about an awareness that improvements do not necessarily cost a lot of money, and that every improvement counts and helps to drive out big elephants (i.e. waste) from organizations". Senior Manager -- InfoComm Sector

For more feedback click here.

Lean Business Process Re-engineering Workshops

Lean business process re-engineering refers to the application of lean tools and techniques to improve business processes. It is also known as Lean Office.

Eagles Wings is very happy to announce a full range of onsite lean business process re-engineering workshops:

- Lean Business Process Re-engineering for Managers

- Lean Business Process Re-engineering Deployment

- Lean BPR (Tools and Techniques)

- Value Stream Mapping (Business Process Re-engineering)

- Lean Accounting

- Kaizen Events

- Lean Software Development

- Lean IT Service Management

More on Education & Training please click here

For Participant feedback on the Workshops please click here.